案件号码 | 涉案产品英文 | 中文 | 复审期 | 统税 |
A–570–865 | Certain Hot Rolled Carbon Steel Flat Products | 热轧碳钢板 | 2020.11.1–2021.10.31 | 90.83% |
A–570–958 | Certain Coated Paper Suitable For High-Quality Print Graphics Using Sheet-Fed Presses | 铜版纸 | 2020.11.1–2021.10.31 | 135.84% |
A–570–900 | Diamond Sawblades and Parts Thereof | 金刚石锯片 | 2020.11.1–2021.10.31 | 82.05% |
A–570–831 | Fresh Garlic | 鲜蒜 | 2020.11.1–2021.10.31 | 376.67% |
A–570–067 | Forged Steel Fittings | 锻钢配件 | 2020.11.1–2021.10.31 | 142.72% |
A–570–920 | Lightweight Thermal Paper | 低克重热敏纸 | 2020.11.1–2021.10.31 | 115.29% |
A–570–992 | Monosodium Glutamate | 味精/谷氨酸钠 | 2020.11.1–2021.10.31 | 40.41% |
A–570–826 | Paper Clips | 曲别针 | 2020.11.1–2021.10.31 | 126.94% |
A–570–924 | Polyethylene Terephthalate (Pet) Film | 聚对苯二甲酸乙二酯膜、片和条 | 2020.11.1–2021.10.31 | 76.72% |
A–570–864 | Pure Magnesium in Granular Form | 颗粒状纯镁 | 2020.11.1–2021.10.31 | 305.56% |
A–570–882 | Refined Brown Aluminum Oxide | 棕刚玉 | 2020.11.1–2021.10.31 | 135.18% |
A–570–956 | Seamless Carbon and Alloy Steel Standard, Line And Pressure Pipe | 无缝碳钢和合金钢标准的管线管和高压管 | 2020.11.1–2021.10.31 | 98.74% |
A–570–964 | Seamless Refined Copper Pipe and Tube | 无缝精炼铜管 | 2020.11.1–2021.10.31 | 60.85% |
A–570–071 | Sodium Gluconate, Gluconic Acid, and Derivative Products | 葡萄糖酸钠、葡萄糖酸及衍生产品 | 2020.11.1–2021.10.31 | 213.15% |
案件号码 | 涉案产品英文 | 中文 | 复审期 | 补贴税率 |
C–570–991 | Chlorinated Isocyanurates | 氯代异氰 (三氯异氰尿酸) | 2020.1.1–2020.12.31 | 28.34% |
C–570–959 | Certain Coated Paper Suitable For High-Quality Print Graphics Using Sheet-Fed Presses | 铜版纸 | 2020.1.1–2020.12.31 | 19.64% |
C–570–068 | Forged Steel Fittings | 锻钢配件 | 2020.1.1–2020.12.31 | 13.41% |
C–570–921 | Lightweight Thermal Paper | 低克重热敏纸 | 2020.1.1–2020.12.31 | 13.63% |
C–570–957 | Seamless Carbon and Alloy Steel Standard, Line, And Pressure Pipe | 无缝碳钢和合金钢标准的管线管和高压管 | 2020.1.1–2020.12.31 | 35.17% |
C–570–072 | Sodium Gluconate, Gluconic Acid, and Derivative Products | 葡萄糖酸钠、葡萄糖酸及衍生产品 | 2020.1.1–2020.10.31 | 194.67% |
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